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The SMETA audit has been completed in the U.S. subsidiaries

The SMETA audit has been completed in the U.S. subsidiaries

Continuing our commitment to human rights and labor practices that all Group companies and subsidiaries, and therefore all employees, will have completed compliance audits in accordance with SMETA or equivalent by 2025, thereby aligning ourselves with the United Nations Principles for Business and Human Rights.

VIII Celestial Invasion by Profand

VIII Celestial Invasion by Profand

El Grupo Profand será el patrocinador principal de la popular carrera Invasión Celeste, que regresa al estadio de Balaídos el próximo 23 de marzo.

Solidarity flea market at Profand Vilagarcía

Solidarity flea market at Profand Vilagarcía

Taking advantage of the celebration of the traditional Christmas snack, Profand Vilagarcía organized a charity market in collaboration with the associations LAR, BATA and Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer. The event brought together employees with the aim of giving visibility to the work and actions carried out by these associations and raising funds to support various social causes.

Emergency drill at Profand Vilagarcía

Emergency drill at Profand Vilagarcía

A partial emergency drill was carried out at Profand Vilagarcía to reinforce safety protocols and evaluate personnel preparedness for possible emergencies. The exercise consisted in the simulation of a fire in the treatment plant area, which forced a partial evacuation of the workers.

Christmas celebration at Profand Vilagarcía

Christmas celebration at Profand Vilagarcía

At Profand Vilagarcía, Christmas celebrations were a special occasion to share and strengthen the bonds between all employees. The company organized a Christmas snack for the entire team, creating a festive atmosphere that reflected the spirit of unity and collaboration.

Incorporation of new staff from Mali in Profand Vilagarcía

Incorporation of new staff from Mali in Profand Vilagarcía

During the month of December, Profand Vilagarcía has taken an important step in its commitment to diversity and labor integration by incorporating 10 new employees from Mali. This action is the result of a joint collaboration with the NGO Accem, an organization that works for the social and labor integration of refugees, migrants and people at risk of social exclusion.

Shrimp campaign at Profand Zaragoza

Shrimp campaign at Profand Zaragoza

Last Monday, December 16, Profand Zaragoza attended the Aragon Business meeting 2024 organized by the Aragonese Institute of Development. An enriching meeting that allowed to connect, share experiences and reflect on excellence, transformation and future challenges.

New monkfish with seafood sauce

New monkfish with seafood sauce

As a novelty, this December we have prepared for the ready to eat section a Christmas recipe of monkfish with seafood that has been seen in some of the stores these days.

Christmas at Profand Zaragoza

Christmas at Profand Zaragoza

December is a month full of Christmas milestones and this year more than ever we wanted to share them with the employees of Profand Zaragoza.

