"We have witnessed the company's transformation from a modest production capacity and facilities to an organization that today boasts state-of-the-art facilities and looks forward to a very promising future."
Blood donation at Profand Zaragoza
Profand Zaragoza has reached a record number of donors this year, the highest number of donors ever.
November 21: World Fisheries Day
November 21 is World Fisheries Day, a date dedicated to highlighting the importance of this sector in the economy and food of millions of people around the world.
Profand at Conxemar 2023
Once again Profand participated actively in the Conxemar Exhibition, consolidating our presence as a key player in the sector.
During the Conxemar 2023 Exhibition, Profand attracted the attention of visitors, clients and colleagues in the sector.
Mother's Day Celebration at Profand Argentina
To celebrate Mother's Day, Pesquera Deseado SAU and Consermar SRL gave mothers a gift on this special day.
Women's Race at Profand Zaragoza
On October 22nd, a group of more than 20 runners from Profand Zaragoza joined the Women's Race with a clear purpose: to support the cause on International Breast Cancer Day. It was a day of solidarity and emotion, where the streets of Zaragoza were filled with hope and courage during the 5 km. run.
Interview with Ana Barros, Director of the Legal Department
"We must offer maximum legal certainty in the operations that the Group carries out, and guarantee scrupulous compliance with corporate and commercial obligations."
Inter-company Paddle Solidarity Tournament at Profand Zaragoza
On October 7, we participated in the II edition of the Solidarity Paddle Tournament for Companies in Zaragoza, organized by CEOE and ATADES.
Extortion training at Produmar
On October 20, the National Police of Peru was received at Produmar's facilities and gave us intensive training on the "gota a gota" type of loan, a modality that has gained momentum in recent months at the national level.
World Breast Cancer Day at Produmar
Every October 19 is commemorated the "International Day of Fight against Breast Cancer", so Produmar conducted a training for all its employees in order to raise awareness and sensitize them about this common disease that attacks both women and men.
Talented Company Award to Profand Zaragoza
In October Profand Zaragoza was the winner of the TalentoEmpleo 2023 Award (in the Large Company category), promoted by the San Valero Training Group in collaboration with CEOE Aragón and CEPYME.
Leadership Development Program at Profand Argentina
During the last week of October, the Leaders of Pesquera Deseado SAU and Consermar SRL participated in the Leadership Training Program in the cities of Puerto Madryn and Trelew. They were 3 very intense days.