In October Profand Zaragoza renewed the RSA Seal (Aragon Social Responsibility). The Government of Aragon, CEOE Aragon, Cepyme Aragon, UGT Aragon and CC. OO Aragón.
Quality Certifications at Profand Argentina
Thanks to the dedication and teamwork of all our collaborators, we have been able to advance with the certifications of our companies Pesquera Deseado and Consermar.
Audits and certifications at Profand Vilagarcía
Profand Vilagarcía plant has achieved very good results in the audits carried out this year. It has successfully passed the IFS Food audit, maintaining the grade in High Level, which is the recognition of Profand Vilagarcía's commitment to manufacture safe, authentic and quality products.
ISO 50.001 audit at Profand Zaragoza
Last June the follow-up audit of the ISO 50.001 standard was completed at Profand Zaragoza. The results were very positive, they have passed the audit and no non-conformity has appeared.
GLOBAL G.A.P. Certification at Profand Zaragoza
On May 13, Profand Zaragoza was audited by Bureau Veritas for the renewal of the GLOBALG.A.P. Chain of Custody (CoC) certification.
IFS and BRC audit at Profand Zaragoza
Between January 29th and February 2nd we carried out in Profand Zaragoza the external audit under the IFS and BRC schemes. As a result of this, we have passed the audits maintaining the same (maximum) qualifications.
ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 Integrated Management System Audit at Profand Zaragoza
During the week of January 8-12, Profand Zaragoza hosted the external audit for the certification of the integrated management system according to ISO 45001 - 14001 standards.
Consermar successfully passes the IFS and BRC Food Safety and Quality recertification audit.
We are proud to announce that Consermar passed both audits with flying colors. These standards are recognized as the most demanding in their category, according to the Global Food Safety Initiative benchmarking.
Certification "0" waste to landfill in Zaragoza
On May 19, Profand Zaragoza successfully passed the "Zero waste to landfill" audit conducted by Bureau Veritas at its facilities.
Good results in the latest audits at Profand Zaragoza
Between January 30 and February 3, Profand Zaragoza carried out the external audit under the IFS and BRC schemes with good results, passing the audits and maintaining the highest ratings in these international standards.
IFS Cambre and ISO Zaragoza
Profand Cambre has renewed its IFS Certification obtained in April 2022, after the audit carried out on March 6, 7 and 8.