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Blood donation campaign at Profand Vilagarcía

Blood donation campaign at Profand Vilagarcía

On July 30, the Axencia de Doazón de Órganos e Sangue (ADOS) carried out a special blood donation campaign at our Profand Vilagarcía facilities. In a gesture of solidarity, the company thus facilitated access to blood donation for all the plant's employees.

Father's Day at Profand Argentina

Father's Day at Profand Argentina

In June Profand Argentina celebrated Father's Day by giving a gift to each father as a symbol of gratitude and recognition. We thank all our employees for their hard work and for being excellent role models.

Celebrating Fisherman's Day at Produmar

Celebrating Fisherman's Day at Produmar

[12:44] Maria Montero Campos
Last June 29th, Produmar participated along with other local fishing companies in an event in honor of fishermen held in the city of Paita.

New Corporate Risk and Insurance Area

New Corporate Risk and Insurance Area

In the Profand Group we have created a new Risk and Insurance Management area, from which, in a transversal manner and with the support of senior management and the different corporate and business areas of the Group, we will coordinate the global analysis of the risks that may accidentally affect people and the Company's business.

CPR training at Profand Argentina

CPR training at Profand Argentina

Since last year Profand Argentina has been working on actions related to the welfare of its collaborators. Both at La Planta Consermar SRL in Trelew and Pesquera Deseado SAU in Puerto Deseado received Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training.

The President of the Galician Government visits Pesquera Deseado

The President of the Galician Government visits Pesquera Deseado

On Thursday, May 2nd, they visited our vessel Atlántico 1 in Puerto Madryn and on Friday, May 3rd, we welcomed them at our facilities in Puerto Deseado. The visit ended with a meeting in Buenos Aires in which, in addition to the delegation of the Galician Government, the Spanish Ambassador in Argentina, the General Consul and the trade and fisheries counselors participated.

Occupational risk prevention training at Profand Zaragoza

Occupational risk prevention training at Profand Zaragoza

In Profand Zaragoza, they have provided an 8-hour training on the use of defibrillators. This training aims to prepare our team to act effectively in emergency situations, providing the necessary skills and knowledge to handle defibrillators and respond to critical health situations.

Fish donation at Profand Vilagarcía

Fish donation at Profand Vilagarcía

In an act of solidarity and social commitment, Profand made a donation of fish to the resident nuns of the Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Residence in Vilagarcía.

Visit of the UIE students at Profand Vilagarcía

Visit of the UIE students at Profand Vilagarcía

On May 11, our facilities in Vilagarcía received a visit from the European Intercontinental University, as part of the series of conferences "ESG trends and talent development: learning from benchmarks in positive impact", developed within the framework of the Galician CSR Strategy.

