On Saturday May 13 in Profand Zaragoza we opened our doors so that family and friends of our workers could come and visit our factory.
A total of almost 300 people visited us to see the work we do every day and the effort and enthusiasm behind each of our products.
Blood donors in Zaragoza
In May, Profand Zaragoza collaborated with the Blood Donors Bank of Aragon, making a donation at its facilities in which those workers who wanted to donate voluntarily and contribute to this good cause.
Award to the "Salmón vuelta y vuelta" project of Zaragoza
Gerardo Navarro (Head of R&D at Profand Zaragoza) participated in this congress presenting the project "Salmón vuelta y vuelta", which arises from a collaboration between us and the Movera Vocational Training Institute, in which we have managed to design and develop this product.
Workers' Day Celebration at Produmar
On May 1st we celebrated Workers' Day, on this date Produmar decided to pay tribute to all its workers who day by day with effort and commitment allow PRODUMAR to continue excelling and to be the company it is today.
Renewal of truck fleet in Fandiño
Fandiño Distribuidora incorporates 2 new refrigerated vehicles to its fleet with the double objective of, on the one hand, making its activity more efficient and sustainable and, on the other hand, strengthening its structure to reach the €25 million turnover target.
Visit of journalists to Profand Vilargarcía
In order to promote transparency and dialogue with the media, as well as to show them our commitment to quality, sustainability and innovation.
Training sessions in Zaragoza
In May, two different and innovative training courses were given in relation to the plant's established training plan.
Visit to the Vilagarcía office staff plant
As every year, plant visits have again been organized for the staff working at Profand Vilagarcía's offices.
Galicia-FP Conecta Regional Meeting
On Wednesday May 3rd we attended the "Encontro territorial de FP en Galicia" in order to share synergies between companies, administration and schools about Vocational Training (FP). This meeting was attended by representatives of several companies from...
Occupational Risk Prevention Week in Zaragoza
On the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work (April 28), Profand Zaragoza celebrated the Occupational Risk Prevention Week from April 24 to 28.
To celebrate it, different daily activities were carried out, all of them aimed at raising awareness about the importance of health at work and in your personal life.
Pesquera Deseado and Consermar handed out Easter Eggs
Once again this year, around 200 Easter eggs, handmade by expert chocolatiers, were distributed to all our collaborators to celebrate Easter.
Annual training celebration in Vilagarcía
During the first months of the year, training sessions were held for all Profand Vilagarcía personnel in the areas of Quality and Environment, Occupational Risk Prevention and Processes. After the pandemic, it has been possible to carry out these training...
CAPECAL launches its institutional seal at the Seafood Expo. Global of Barcelona
The Peruvian Giant Squid Chamber (CAPECAL), an association made up of the 17 main Giant Squid processing and exporting companies in Peru, promotes the sustainable management of this resource, also known as Pacific Squid (Pota or Potón del Pacífico),...
Integration Event in Pesquera Deseado
During this month we have had the pleasure of celebrating two important days related to the environment: World Water Day and International Forest Day.
Open Doors Day at Profand Vilagarcía and Profand Cambre
On February 20, 21 and 22, Profand Vilagarcía held an Open House so that the families and friends of the workers could get to know the plant.
Inter-institutional cooperation in Giant Squid research in Peru
In order to promote the consumption of giant squid. Produmar held a presentation and tasting of three squid-based dishes in the district of Paita: "Pota a la chalaca", "Pota al olivo" and "Tiradito de pota".
Profand at the Fundamental Forum 2023 in Vigo
On February 7, 8 and 9, 2023, the second edition of the Fundamental Talent and Employment Forum was held at the Mar de Vigo Auditorium, an event in which Profand is a sponsor and which is organized by the Mentor Foundation, with the main objective of offering young recent graduates and students in their final years of studies a first contact with relevant companies in different sectors.
Produmar committed to early childhood education
On February 9, in order to encourage education, Produmar made a donation of school supplies to the La Tortuga Vice village center in Sechura, at the beginning of the children's vacation school there.
Visit to San Jorge University in Zaragoza
On March 17, a group of 32 students from the University of San Jorge (San Valero Group) visited Profand Zaragoza's facilities.
Attendance to job fairs at Profand Zaragoza
In the month of March, Profand Zaragoza's recruitment and development team attended two job fairs. Attendance at these fairs has allowed us to be present in the labor market along with other important companies in Zaragoza and at the same time to make Profand known as a modern, technological and multinational company.